Doing Uncomfortable Things, on Purpose

When was the last time you did something really uncomfortable?

Doing Uncomfortable Things, on PurposeWhen was the last time you did something really uncomfortable?

When was the last time you did something really uncomfortable?

This is not something that you did at work or because a friend asked you to, but rather when was the last time you, on your own, made a decision to do something that was out of your comfort zone.

Weird right — most of us do not put ourselves in awkward situations.

It makes sense though, why would we expose ourself to humility, shame, grief, and discomfort — on purpose? We instinctually avoid that. All animals do.

But what if we figured out that these nervous situations are what keeps us learning.

I argue that pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is the best way to learn. Yep, super clique statement.

But I still find it difficult to take leaps of faith. I think everyone has reservations.

So what is the next big move of mine?

I am moving to SF this summer — that will be scary and weird. I have never lived in an urban area, especially not alone.

But I know that I will learn so much doing this, I can not pass up this opportunity to accelerate my growth.

Even that answer is 2 months out…what can I do today to step out of my comfort zone. Our daily routines do not provide any opportunities for awkwardness, that is why we do them everyday.

That is why you have to go out of your way to make these situations- that is the hard part.

What are you doing ?

Thanks for reading — I write everyday!

By jordangonen on March 31, 2016.

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Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.