Hello World (Again) – Moving Back to WordPress

As you may be able to tell from the look and feel of this essay, I made the (bold) decision to leave Posthaven and move my daily blog’s home back to good-faithful: WordPress.

This was actually a quite anxiety-provoking decision, as I needed to find a way to move all of my content over the past few years over to this site. After lots of experimentation with different plugins, scripts, etc. I ended up using HTML Importer to get the job done. I basically exported all of my content from Medium (where I was cross-posting my articles) and ported it over using this helpful plugin.

So you may be wondering…why move back to wordpress? What was wrong with Posthaven?

I actually recently (like super recently) published all of the good things I liked about using Posthaven as my home-base for daily content publishing. It was easy to use, not a lot to worry about and served as a good home for content.


It lacked a number of features that I needed – most desperately being automatically cross-posting to Medium. Using a more powerful service like WordPress allows me access to a number of customizable plugins and features that essentially allow me to maintain more ownership over my words.

In doing so, I am able to eliminate points of friction in the publishing process and focus on what I am here to focus on – thinking and writing. WordPress is a lot more customizable than Posthaven so I may play around with SEO/design etc in my free time to see what I can do.

Another benefit of switching back here is that I now have every single post I have written and published since February 2016 — all on one server under one roof.

Before, my content was divided into separate places and it made it hard to query through.

Also, I think I will be able to add more images/screenshots into my content using the wordpress editor that is a bit faster than Posthaven.

Over the next few weeks, I plan to gradually beef up the blog (analytics, etc.) to optimize it for a few different things so that I do not have to worry about them in the future.