
Throughout your life, you meet so many different types of people. Among them will be those who doubt you. The haters. The non-believers. I…

HatersThroughout your life, you meet so many different types of people. Among them will be those who doubt you. The haters. The non-believers. I…

Throughout your life, you meet so many different types of people. Among them will be those who doubt you. The haters. The non-believers. I am sure you can, if you think for a second, picture that individual right now.

There are different groups of these “haters,” but generally, they share one common thread. The common characteristic is that these people are talkers. Not doers.

You are the doer.

People get uncomfortable when you do something that they cannot or are not confident enough to do themselves. They will not admit it…but it is called jealousy.

Even if it is a joke, or subtle — they hate on you because they are uncomfortable that you are working harder than them.

Should you ignore these people? No. (some would say yes). I still say no. You can learn so much by listening to people who are different than you. They can also be your source of motivation.

Originally published at gonen.blog.

Tagged in Life Lessons, Life

By jordangonen on May 9, 2017.

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Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.