It is all relative

Every once in a while, I find it very important to remind myself of the relativity of life. Everything is relative.

It is all relativeEvery once in a while, I find it very important to remind myself of the relativity of life. Everything is relative.

Every once in a while, I find it very important to remind myself of the relativity of life. Everything is relative.

Everything is entirely shaped by perspective.

We admire people solely because they are in a relatively higher/lower position than ourselves.

We look down on people solely because they are in a relatively higher/lower position than ourselves.

I find that notion humbling.

I do not think there is a universally best perspective to have. Our perspective is entirely shaped by the thoughts we have accumulated to date.

I do, however, find the challenge of broadening and deepening my perspective to be a particularly important mission of mine. I find that the better you get at understanding people and perspectives, the more valuable you are to yourself and society.

Empathy is this superpower and I think we all can be really good at it if we consciously invest time in cultivating unique experiences that challenge our perspective.

It is easy to discount people and things. A helpful reminder to myself is knowing that everything is relative and that everything changes.

Originally published at

Tagged in Writing

By jordangonen on January 3, 2018.

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Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.