What’s Next

What’s Next

I like making predictions. Perhaps I am not the best better in the world, but nonetheless I find it fascinating to figure out what is going to happen in the future.

My curiosity drives me to continue asking questions. I hope to never lose that sense of naiveness.

On this note — my newsletter finally has a name, and it’s called “What’s Next”

A few promises/things I want to accomplish with it.

  1. Provide interesting content that helps you think about the future
  2. Deliver a weekly roundup full of that interesting content

^ Those are my promises to you.

Some of my other goals include — growing it. Fast. I want to see if I can get this to 100 active members in <1 month from now.

You can help by subscribing here and please sharing the link with you friends. It means a ton to me.

Hope you will enjoy!

Originally published at Jordan Gonen.

By jordangonen on March 6, 2017.

Canonical link

Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.