Creating and Consuming

We live in a world where the accessibility of both “ability to create” and “ability to consume” is growing at an ever increasing rate.

Creating and ConsumingWe live in a world where the accessibility of both “ability to create” and “ability to consume” is growing at an ever increasing rate.

We live in a world where the accessibility of both “ability to create” and “ability to consume” is growing at an ever increasing rate.

Never before in history has it been so easy to take and in and put out content.

Gen Z, in particular, has taken full advantage of this incredible opportunity.


Social media’s wide abundance makes it really easy for people to consume information. Whether it’s via photo, video, story…there is some sort of content out there being produced for us consumers to eat up.

Where we get our information?

That probably depends on our age.

Most teens probably get information/news from:

  • their parents
  • their facebook timeline
  • snapchat stories

Most adults probably get their news from:

  • The news on TV

But I’ve seen adults start turning to Facebook for information.

The problem is that most content out there is absolute clickbait garbage. It’s not real. It’s spam.

Scroll down your Facebook news feed and all you will find is lying news articles and tasty food videos.

That sort of content has really turned me off to consumption lately. It all feels like a part of some data driven machine.


Creation has gotten much easier as well.

We can now share with the world what we are doing and where we are doing it.

Tools like live video make it super simple to share our experiences with the world and invite our friends along with us on our journeys.

This is a super unique time in history — never before have we been this connected.

So how much of your day is spent creating versus consuming?

I spend a lot of time doing both.

I consume information via twitter, medium publications, instagram, snapchat, facebook, espn, and other random websites.

I create via medium, twitter, snapchat, instagram, and through various jobs I have.

I think finding a good balance between the two is crucial to learning about the world and yourself.

By jordangonen on September 12, 2016.

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Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.