How many words have I published?

The other day I was thinking about…how many words have I published this year?

How many words have I published?The other day I was thinking about…how many words have I published this year?

The other day I was thinking about…how many words have I published this year?

There are not really any tools / services that calculate how many words I write. I checked! Medium does not even provide analytics like that in their API.

So I figured I’d do something simple math to provide an estimate…

On my daily blog, I publish once per day, every day. That is between 200–1000 words every day. Let’s call it 300 to be on the conservative side.

300 x 365 = 110,000.

There is roughly 550 words on a single spaced page. So it’d be about 200 pages.


I actually write far more than that. You see, I also run a content business where I write between 800–1200 word articles every day. I write roughly two articles a day there.

doing that math…

800*365*2 = 584,000 + 110,000 = 694,000

This is about 1200 pages. Enough for a trilogy!

Of course, it is much harder to write a coherent book…

But imagine writing a trilogy or two each and every year (this is my second year now).

How far would that get you?

Originally published at

By jordangonen on November 21, 2017.

Canonical link

Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.