Humans fucking hate change.

There is a stark difference between mankind and technology. Getting the technology right is easy, simply push out an update!

Humans fucking hate change.There is a stark difference between mankind and technology. Getting the technology right is easy, simply push out an update!

There is a stark difference between mankind and technology. Getting the technology right is easy, simply push out an update!

Humans are much harder. Much much harder. The human component is what many programmers forget about.

We hate change because change is difficult. It’s different from what we know. Animals are attracted to things that they know.

So when some guy from Silicon Valley wearing his trendy t-shirt tells us that we have to go about doing something differently — we 99% of the time, resist.

The Example Augmented Reality

Let’s take the example of augmented reality. The technology is great! It’s improving every day and the price point is coming down quickly ~ thanks Oculus ~ but let’s be honest…Will my Grandma ever use a VR headset?

Is the reason that consumers are not catching on the technology, price, design…or is it a resistance to change?

We are so focused on the physical product, that we forget about the user.

Innovation is the process of easing change in a creative and different way.

Snapchat Innovated, really well.

Like we said earlier, Augmented reality is not new. But snapchat made it new.

They beautifully integrated a complex technology into mass consumers. They snuck in CHANGE! They tricked us!

Tagged in Augmented Reality, Technology, Business

By jordangonen on April 2, 2016.

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Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.