
Really quickly…think of the community that you live in. Your school, living area, workplace, whatever.

Really quickly…think of the community that you live in. Your school, living area, workplace, whatever.

Really quickly…think of the community that you live in. Your school, living area, workplace, whatever.

Now, what percentage of people have ever:

  • thought about networking?
  • emailed someone they have never met before?
  • got coffee with someone they have never previously met?
  • set up a ‘professional’ phone call?
  • spent 20 minutes a day on linkedin?

Imagine you did all of that over the next week…Where do you think that would put you in the grand scheme of networking? Top 5 percent? Top 1 percent?


It’s not supposed to be that hard.

I look at “networking” as simply an opportunity to learn from as many interesting people as possible. It should not be scary. In fact, what you will come to realize, is that people actually enjoy helping you. Whoa. What a concept. People are inherently nice.

On the other hand…people hate responding to boring emails, answering simple questions, and wasting time.

So help people help you! and start reaching out to people today. 20 minutes a day — for a week. I guarantee you will learn something new.

Tagged in Networking, Life Lessons, LinkedIn

By jordangonen on March 18, 2016.

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Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.