Note to future Jordan

Most of these little blog posts are thoughts that I’d like my future self to keep in mind. But here is one I want to stick out.

Note to future JordanMost of these little blog posts are thoughts that I’d like my future self to keep in mind. But here is one I want to stick out.

Most of these little blog posts are thoughts that I’d like my future self to keep in mind. But here is one I want to stick out.

The other day I tweeted out some simple principles that are really important to me.

I thought for my own sake I’d better explain each one…

  • Surround yourself with awesome people:

You are the sum product of your 5 closest friends

While I don’t entirely believe this quote — I do think that who you surround yourself with makes a big difference towards the quality of your thoughts and experiences. I also believe that you can make the best out of any situation given the right set of people.

I’ll repeat this: the people matter most.

  • Do things because you want to:

For some this may be an obvious thing; but for me, a once highly impressionable person (I’m changing) — thinking for myself is important. I’ve always had my own ideas, but it’s more comfortable to believe in others’ thoughts. It’s less risky, less controversial. And makes you sound smarter.

But I’ve come to realize that literally none of that matters. And that all that matters is that I can think and believe in myself. If you are doing things that you don’t want to do — you’ll never reach full potential.

  • Give more than you take:

As a general principle (for my own life), I want to give 3x as much as I take from people. That can be little things to big ideas to somewhere in between. But regardless, a little more giving can go along way.


By jordangonen on August 17, 2016.

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Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.