Time to think

Budgeting time to think is often under-prioritized in today’s reward-seeking society. I know that I have severely under-emphasized the…

Time to thinkBudgeting time to think is often under-prioritized in today’s reward-seeking society. I know that I have severely under-emphasized the…

Budgeting time to think is often under-prioritized in today’s reward-seeking society. I know that I have severely under-emphasized the importance of giving my brain and body time to refresh, refocus and restart.

I do this, most often, by over-optimizing for short-term gain.

Time to think is a long-term experiment not a short term winner.

You will likely not make more $ today by spending time meditating and journaling.

You probably will not get any external rewards for it.

You will have to give up money, fun, time with family, etc. because you will be investing in your own ability to think.

But perhaps it is worth it. It is this trade-off I, and all of us, have to make on a daily basis.

Improving one’s ability to choose right from wrong is a skill that compounds in value over time.

Originally published at gonen.blog.

By jordangonen on January 30, 2018.

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Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.