What’s Next — Monks, AI, Food

by Jordan Gonen

by Jordan Gonen

Hi 👋 Hope you have a great week!

If you enjoy reading this newsletter every week, please share with a friend or two — means a lot!

Question of the week: “When is the last time you have done something uncomfortable, on purpose?”


Articles to Read.

The Persistence of the Digital Divide

If Buddhist Monks Trained AI

The Story of Ikea

The Unbundling of Food

Rules of Machine Learning

Aiming for 10x, not 10%

The Race for 3d Content

“Alexa, where have you been all my life?”

The Commoditization of Deep Learning

What Should 20 Year Olds Be Doing?

How to Digitize a Country

Companies to Watch.

Cover — Insure anything by taking a picture

YoYo — Mobile Wallet

BloomAPI — Simplified Medical Record Releases

You made it to the end! Thanks for reading 👋

If you enjoyed, would really appreciate if you shared this link! 
Want to read more? I write daily, and tweet too!

My Update:

– Had an awesome interview about Disrupt Cards with Indie Hackers

– Any feedback for this newsletter? Want to make it as helpful as possible!

– Need help with anything? Reach out