What’s Next: Tokens, DNA

by Jordan Gonen

by Jordan Gonen

Hey there 👋 I updated the format for the newsletter, hope you like it! You can always opt out if you’re not a fan or leave me some feedback.

Working on anything new? Let me know 📩 Would love to be of help!


Articles to Read.

Most important read of the week: Thoughts on Tokens

Kin — Kik’s Cryptocurrency for the future

A “pre-sadness” checklist

Children turn their backs on traditional careers for “internet fame”

What is the real point of technology? Are we getting closer or further from our true purpose? The disappearing computer is an interesting take on that. Hardbound’s take on WaitButWhy’s Neuralink piece is also interesting

Microsoft Planning to add DNA storage to their cloud

Is Comma.Ai going to be the car company that shifts the world further towards Self Driving fastest? How safe will autonomous vehicles need to be before we accept them?

Industries change quickly. Thoughts on our Ten Year Futures

A dozen lessons on building businesses from Sarah Tavel

Companies to Watch.

Blockstack — Decentralized Internet

Toby — Bookmark Manager

Peek — Hyperlocal Livestreaming

Quuu — Hand-curated content for social media

You made it to the end! Thanks for reading 👋

If you enjoyed, would really appreciate if you shared this link! 
Want to read more? I write daily, and tweet too!

My Update:

– Moving to San Francisco this Thursday for the summer! 
– Lots of writing on Medium
– Launched the Storyheap Blog