“You’ll like this book”

We love recommending things to other people. We love talking about things we use.

We love recommending things to other people. We love talking about things we use.

“You’ll like this book”

We love recommending things to other people. We love talking about things we use.

“You’ll like this book.” People say that all the time.

Why? I often ask.

“Oh because it really aligns with the way you think or shares many of your thoughts.”

That is a scenario that happens all the time.

We tend to recommend things to people that we think they would agree with.

I try and do the opposite.


For example, if you recommend me a book I already share views with, then the book is just confirming my bias. It is good in that it reinforces what I already believe, but I find that the best way to move forward is to find things that disrupt your point of view.

Find really smart people arguing against your perspective.

That, in my opinion, is the best way to expand the way you think about things.

Originally published at gonen.blog.

By jordangonen on June 18, 2017.

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Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.