Advice Givers

There are so many people in this world — especially in San Francisco — that give unwarranted advice.

Advice GiversThere are so many people in this world — especially in San Francisco — that give unwarranted advice.

There are so many people in this world — especially in San Francisco — that give unwarranted advice.

You sit down to chat and someone just starts recommending what they think you should be doing.

You did not even ask for help. And even if you needed help, perhaps you were not going to ask this person.

People love to give advice because it makes them feel special. It makes them feel important. Ego boosts are a huge driver for why people do what they do and advice giving is no exception.

Part of me writing every day, I’d bet, is that humbling feeling knowing that people who read my work, and like it, enjoy hearing my thoughts. That is my ego fueling me to write more because I want to hear what people think. More importantly, I want to hit publish. I write for many reasons, often for much more than ego, but regardless it is one source of motivation.

Most of us are not aware of why we do what we do so it can be hard to stop and improve.

Giving unwarranted advice is one of those things that many of us do not think much about in the moment.

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Tagged in Writing

By jordangonen on July 19, 2017.

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Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.