Figuring out what you dont like

Figuring out what you dont like

Growing up, we always think about what we want to be.

It is quite a daunting task. I mean, there are so many things in this world to do!

So how do you go about finding that perfect career?

A couple of realizations I had:

  1. I no longer believe that there will ever be some static, perfect job for me (or for anyone really). I think of careers as a fluid process — something that is designed to change and evolve — and that putting myself in a position to become stagnant will just make me unhappy.
  2. I have realized more and more that the question of “What do you want to be when you grow up” is really misrepresentative of the challenge at hand. I think what is far more accurate is thinking about what you DON’T want to be when you get older.

I wish when I was younger we began exploring other things quickly. And learning about things that maybe we did not like.

The faster we do that — the faster we test our assumptions — the sooner we can begin spending time working on things we really like.

Originally published at Jordan Gonen.

By jordangonen on March 24, 2017.

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Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.