Practicing Public Speaking

Communicating your ideas is an extremely valuable skill. For founders, it is crucial to be able to convey, succinctly and efficiently, the…

Communicating your ideas is an extremely valuable skill. For founders, it is crucial to be able to convey, succinctly and efficiently, the intent of your product. This skill is rare — and wrongly not prioritized by many.

That is why I put myself in as many situations as possible to improve.

There are so many opportunities to practice public speaking — all it takes it getting out there and making yourself uncomfortable.

On a small scale, you can start doing this anywhere — in line at Starbucks and waiting for class to start. So what, you mess up? Who cares?

Push yourself out of your comfort zone and start doing things that make you nervous. That way, on the big state, you will be ready, because you are going to kill it!