No Mountain Tops

I used to think, perhaps naively, that one day, when we all get older, we figure everything out. I used to believe that “everything would…

No Mountain TopsI used to think, perhaps naively, that one day, when we all get older, we figure everything out. I used to believe that “everything would…

I used to think, perhaps naively, that one day, when we all get older, we figure everything out. I used to believe that “everything would make sense” once we became real adults.

I now believe that is completely wrong. I do not believe that there is a point, in anyone’s life, where everything is ideal. I do not believe that anyone ever gets to a point where they know exactly what they are doing and why they are doing it.

I do not believe in this mountain top land that we were all promised by the fairytale cartoons we used to watch. Those are all myths.

Perhaps no one really believed in those.

In work, you’d think that with experience comes certainty and conviction. I think the latter is true. The more experience you have in the professional world, the more likely you are to be confident in your decision making.

At the end of the day, however, there is no perfect recipe. There is always room to change. Rarely does everything go amazingly. Most of us are just making things up.

So what really does happen?

Even if we all have “lofty goals,” most nearly all of us settle down. We start a family. We live in one place. We make sacrifices for people we care about.

My bet is that people just get tired of change. We lose our desire to chase curiosity and instead we chase what is best for our family.

We just stop. That is how life goes.

We just stop taking risks with our career. We stop moving cities. We stop running in circles so much.

I hope I never need to stop.

Originally published at

By jordangonen on July 15, 2017.

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Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.