I have always struggled with the question of “what do you want to do with your life?” Perhaps I am particularly weird, but I feel like this question is somewhat “predatory.”
Do you know what you want to do with your life? How sure are you? It is certainly not the easiest question to be casually answering. Adults and people in relative positions of power like to ask this type of question when they run out of things to talk about. Do not let it get to your head! It is a silly question.
The truth is that I do not want to be anything! I want to be me! Why should I be grouped into some “thing.”
For instance, I know that I do not want to be a writer. Yet, I have written 1000+ essays over the past few years.
In my mind, “becoming a writer” means that my identity – my full-time job – my livelihood is tied up in that profession.
That is an ancient way of thinking.
We are living through a renaissance period where people can do many things over the course of their career. In fact, they can do many things and change them all the time!
I am not a writer because I am not excited by the prospect of that being my future. I can write! But it does not mean I have any interest in being a journalist or author etc. I am not trying to become a digital influencer or novelist or anything of that sort.
I write for myself!
I went on a similar rant back in 2017.
I do not want to be a writer. But I write every single day.
This is the same as someone saying…”I do not want to be a professional weightlifter, but I work out every single day.”
I do not want to be a public relations person. I do not want to be a big time content producer. I do not want to write for other people.
It is funny how things change so much yet so little – all at the same time.
Also published on Medium.