Opportunity for ImpactWe live in a unique and special time in that the barrier to impact, for anyone with internet access, is the lowest it has ever been in…
We live in a unique and special time in that the barrier to impact, for anyone with internet access, is the lowest it has ever been in history.
In literally seconds, we can do things that can change the world. I do not mean that romantically. I do not mean that lightly. I mean that we live in a world where sometimes a few keyboard presses are able to truly change things.
Text messages.
They all start with a click and a press.
Sites like go fund me , kickstarter.
A click and a press.
The opportunity to impact others is out there and it is extremely exciting.
However, with great power comes great responsibility. Impact can be both positive and negative.
A single click could ruin someone’s life.
That is a scary thought. Everything can change in seconds.
We now hold the power to do and ruin things faster than ever before.
This is a unique and special time — make the most of it.
Originally published at gonen.blog.
By jordangonen on July 1, 2017.
Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.