
Every perspective is relative.

RelativeEvery perspective is relative.

Every perspective is relative.

What counts as success to me is likely very different from what success looks like to you. And the really interesting to think about is that my definition for success today is likely very different from my definition 5 years ago — let alone 2 months ago.

The evolution of our world view informs our decision making. We make choices, often times, guided by the information and perspective we have available.

The issue is that as soon as we realize that these assumptions about the way the world works or “what success means” are all relative to our own life — it becomes much harder to make decisions that will impact others.

The only way to make holistic decisions, therefore, is to spend lots of time learning about and empathizing with others.

But in many communities, we do not do this.

Instead, we surround ourselves with people who think just like us.

Our schools are filled with similar minded people.

But within our schools, there are sects of people who think even more similarly.

The cliques form and then perspective becomes less relative and more absolute.

Everyone thinks the same.

Consensus is dangerous because our perspective stops evolving. It is like a personal growth blocker.

Originally published at

By jordangonen on October 21, 2017.

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Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.