Thinking about the future

Thinking about the future

Thinking about the future is exciting and terrifying, all at the same time.

While we may think we know what to expect — nothing is for certain. And it often turns out that, as humans, we are not the best at estimating in the first place. That is especially the case when we root our judgements in things that the media tells us to be true.

It is always best to break the mold, do our own discovery, and search for facts to make decisions on.

Anyways, this thought about the future has really interested me over the past few months. Particularly, I am interested in two things:

  • what will change
  • what will not change

We discuss these two concepts about particular industries every Friday at a little group I put together on campus called Moonshots. Basically, we meet to discuss the future of x industry or thing.

Last week, the future of universities. In the past we have done everything from the future of retail to self driving cars. The discussions are always super fascinating.

Perhaps my favorite one thus far has been about automation — and the future of automation and the job force.

One person who attended the talk, Colin, wrote an awesome follow up blog post that summarizes what we discussed.

Economics, Morality, and Culture in an Automated World

Would love to hear your thoughts.

Originally published at Jordan Gonen.

By jordangonen on February 13, 2017.

Canonical link

Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.