
Ironically, I have probably written a post about this before, but perhaps it did not stick.

TimingIronically, I have probably written a post about this before, but perhaps it did not stick.

Ironically, I have probably written a post about this before, but perhaps it did not stick.

Today’s “note to self” is one about the importance of timing and how influential your timing is in the success of whatever you are doing. It can easy to dismiss the context for your product as a factor in its failure, as the “timing” is often out of your control — but the truth is that, for many big and powerful ideas, when you do it is likely just as important as how you do it.

Two years ago, a few friends and I were working on a decentralized ticketing system for venues and businesses — built on a blockchain.

Back then, we were one of the only teams really working on this.

We never got momentum (internally or externally) and stopped working on it.

Fast forward to today, and there are dozens of companies working on it:




A few of them will win big (eventually), but even they may be too early.

What is hard for me to comprehend is that, when the timing is off for a product that requires deep market fit, pretty much nothing else seems to matter. (this generally only applies to technologies that are “frontier” at the time).

And the harder thing, is that you do not even have to be particularly brilliant with your timing.

Smart people lose out to less smart people when the “less smart person” shows up a day before them. It is definitely frustrating, but it happens.

Originally published at gonen.blog.

By jordangonen on August 22, 2017.

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Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.