What is your default ?

In most cases, there are near infinite methods to solving a problem. But everyone has a default.

What is your default ?In most cases, there are near infinite methods to solving a problem. But everyone has a default.

In most cases, there are near infinite methods to solving a problem. But everyone has a default.

Take this example…

You have a messy room. How would you go about cleaning it up?

Some people would start in one corner of the room and work outwards. Others would use a more complex methodology and categorize items in bins before picking them up. Then you have people who would call up a friend and ask for help. You also have the people who would never clean it up.

The point is that there are so many different ways to look at the same problem and solve it.

If you’ve ever worked at a company larger than 1 person, than you’d know that it works the same way with “business” and “engineering” problems.

And that is the interesting part of working with other people. You get to hear tons of different perspectives — all over the same goal of doing x or making x work.

The more diverse (in experience, race, gender, etc.) your team is the more diverse perspectives you’ll have. And that is generally a big advantage.

As I’m continuing to learn more not only about communicating with others but also understanding myself — I am figuring out what I default to. In doing so, I’m cutting out any bullsh*t that seems to suppress my gut/ distracts me from my goals.

So what’s your default? You have a problem…what’s your first step?



By jordangonen on August 11, 2016.

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Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.