by Jordan Gonen
Hi 👋 Hope you have a great week!
If you enjoy reading this newsletter every week, please share with a friend or two — means a lot!
Question of the week: “When is the last time you have done something uncomfortable, on purpose?”
Articles to Read.
The Persistence of the Digital Divide
Aiming for 10x, not 10%
“Alexa, where have you been all my life?”
The Commoditization of Deep Learning
What Should 20 Year Olds Be Doing?
Companies to Watch.
Cover — Insure anything by taking a picture
YoYo — Mobile Wallet
BloomAPI — Simplified Medical Record Releases
You made it to the end! Thanks for reading 👋
If you enjoyed, would really appreciate if you shared this link!
Want to read more? I write daily, and tweet too!
My Update:
– Had an awesome interview about Disrupt Cards with Indie Hackers
– Any feedback for this newsletter? Want to make it as helpful as possible!
– Need help with anything? Reach out