I mentioned the other day that list-making is my favorite and only real “productivity hack.” I make casual, simple lists of everything and then execute as best I can on them.
One list that I find myself making and re-writing quite often is a list of topics or things I am thinking about. This blog – that I have been publishing on daily for over 2 years – is largely a product of what is top of mind in my head. I write what I think about and it ends up here.
This place has become a grounds for me to explore new / old ideas and learn about some new ones. The writing form varies, but is often a brain dump of me collecting my thoughts around a certain topic. I never run out of things to write about because there are infinite things to write about…I write about my curiosities.
Lately, I have been (what I feel to be) more curious than ever. I am questioning more things and trying to better understand the world…I made a simple list today of all the big-picture things I am thinking about. I recognize that it is very very very important to dive deep into issues. Focus is critical and I do not want to spend all of my time wallowing between “ideas.” Ideas – though interesting – are just ideas until executed upon. Nonetheless, I value spending a bit of time each day exploring my inclinations and asking further questions…Here are some things I am thinking about and will inevitably probably write more about:
- the companies I am very interested in and cannot stop thinking about
- analyzing my past experiences working (selling tomatoes, etc.)
- body monitoring is worse than car monitoring
- is toms bad for local economies
- “when i was a kid” (50 years from now)
- improving our “health spans”
- creating a boring phone with high security
- finding ways to share podcasts
- history of assembly lines
- over-hyped aspects of today
- the prevalence of internal wiki bots
- genome analysis will become a critical part of healthcare
- how big is tourism?
- frictions in construction space
- payday lending
- is the world getting better?
- history of myspace
- outsourcing annoyances in my life
The list goes on…I wrote this list in about 2 minutes (as I am sitting on a plane now). I just listened to a bunch of podcasts so many of these curiosities come from here.
So much to be excited about…so much to be scared about…
Instead…will just be present 🙂