Bias Towards ActionBeing self aware of your own biases is very valuable.
Being self aware of your own biases is very valuable.
I realize that one of my biases, when faced with a problem, is to act. I tend to try and do before all else.
This has both positive and negative consequences.
Positive — These are quite obvious. Doing helps you learn fast. Doers are remembered for doing. Doers tend to always have stuff going on.
Negative — You fail more often because your ideas are less thought out. That is a tough thing to deal with. The ups and downs are not easy. You also risk “doing” too much — which leaves you not doing anything at all. You get involved in the wrong things. You do rather than think. This compromise is not always worth it.
This is not some romantic realization. This is just how I think.
When faced with a foreign problem? What is your first reaction?
Do you phone a friend? Do you write it down? Do you organize it? Do you just go and try to do it yourself?
No right answers.
Originally published at
By jordangonen on May 24, 2017.
Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.