MemoriesI have always been someone who prefers to go do something than to sit around.
I have always been someone who prefers to go do something than to sit around.
I actually have trouble sitting still for long periods of time. I enjoy going out to do things and creating memories.
The interesting thing that I am learning about myself is that I would actually prefer to go out and do something hysterically bad, like in an awful situation, than to do nothing.
I rather make a memory, good or bad, than do something I will never remember in 10 years — which, for me, is sitting around.
I get energy by doing.
When I have nothing really exciting going on in my day — that is when I get tired.
So I try and find exciting things to inject into my daily schedule…
The easiest and most prevalent one being this daily blog that I publish each and every single day. I generally write in the morning, which essentially starts my day off with some action.
But it is not enough to get me through the day.
So I try and do whatever I can to build in systems that give me energy and get me excited.
They can be little things — like phone calls to friends or going out to eat — or even bigger things — like planning trips and events.
But these “things” are lots of what I look forward to.
Others look forward to different things, and I completely respect that.
Learning about myself has been invaluable and is bound to change the way I view the world, structure my days, and make decisions.
Originally published at
By jordangonen on October 15, 2017.
Exported from Medium on February 17, 2018.